Lektor Loves Plugins

Lektor is a young project but it has a growing list of both official and community supported plugins. Official plugins are maintained by Lektor and kept in good shape together with the rest of the project. Community plugins are moderated and updated regularly, but they might not keep pace with development on Lektor. They are maintained by the community. Install them with lektor plugins add NAME.

If you want to make or publish your own plugin, or see our docs.

(*) Asterisks denote official plugins.


  • * webpack-support: Super simple Lektor plugin that runs a webpack watcher
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  • gulp: A simple Lektor plugin for gulp
  • htmlmin: HTML minifier for Lektor. Based on htmlmin.
  • i18n: Use GetText .PO files to translate your site content.
  • make: Run make lektor for custom build systems.
  • minify: Minify build artifacts during the Lektor build process
  • npm-support: Adds support for using npm/yarn to build assets in Lektor using tools such as Parcel, webpack, etc.
  • scss: Lektor plugin to compile css out of sass - based on libsass
  • scsscompile: SASS compiler for Lektor, thats based on libsass.
  • webpack-html-helper: Observes the assets directory for html files and copies them into the templates folder.


  • * markdown-admonition: Adds basic admonition tag support to Markdown.
  • * markdown-header-anchors: Lektor plugin that adds anchors and table of contents to markdown headers.
  • * markdown-highlighter: Lektor plugin that adds syntax highlighting for markdown blocks with Pygments.
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  • asciidoc: Adds AsciiDoc field type to Lektor.
  • asciidoctor: Adds AsciiDoc field type to Lektor.
  • bibtex-support: Bibtex file support to easily include publication lists.
  • jinja-content: Render content fields with Jinja2.
  • nofollow: Easily create nofollow links in Markdown.
  • pythonmarkdown: Add pythonmarkdownn field type to Lektor to make use of python-markdown as a renderer.
  • read-full-post: Allows blog listing posts to be shortened with a link to the full post.
  • rst: Adds reStructuredText support to Lektor.
  • tags: Lektor plugin to add tags.


  • netlify: Allows you to publish your lektor website to netlify easily.
  • s3: Publish to S3 buckets and Cloudfront.
  • surge: Lektor plugin to publish your site to surge.sh


  • * disqus-comments: Embed Disqus comments into your website.
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  • atom: Lektor plugin that generates Atom feeds.
  • creative-commons: Lektor plugin to add Creative Commons license to your pages
  • github-repos: Fetches your GitHub repos for display in Lektor templates
  • google-analytics: Adds support for Google analytics to Lektor CMS
  • markdown-excerpt: Adds filter for Markdown body excerpt.
  • natural-language: Adds NLTK based template filters.
  • root-relative-path: Root relative path plugin for Lektor
  • shortcodes: Allows you to use shortcodes (something like tags) in your model fields.
  • slugify: Lektor plugin that adds a slugify Jinja filter.
  • strip-html-tags: Strip HTML tags, effectively turning HTML into plain text.
  • thumbnail-generator: This plugin automatically generates thumbnails for any images in your Lektor content. The difference between this plugin and the `thumbnail` filter is that this is geared towards content, i.e. you don't need to have any references to the images in your templates at all.
  • webdav: Lektor plugin to get a list of files from a WebDAV server
  • yandex-metrica: Adds support for Yandex Metrica to Lektor CMS


Plugins are also tagged with keywords and topics. Their tags are listed on their page and are navigable. You can view a list of all of the tags here.